
Executive Council

Executive Council (Am 20 Nov 07)
This committee consists of the Chair of the Division, who is also Chair of this committee, the Vice Chair, the Secretary-Parliamentarian, the senior representative to the Assembly, the Chairs of the Committee on Academic Computing and Information Technology, Committee on Academic Personnel, the Committee on Committees, the Committee on Educational Policy, the Committee on Faculty Welfare, the Graduate Council, the Committee on Planning and Budget, the Committee on Physical Resources Planning, the Committee on Research, the Undergraduate Council, the Committee on Preparatory Education, the Committee on Diversity and Equal Opportunity and the Executive Committees of the colleges and schools at Riverside. (Am 8 Jun 78)(Am 5 Nov 87)(Am 27 May 93)(Am 9 Feb 95)(Am 29 May 97)(Am 5 Feb 98) (Am 21 Feb 06)(Am 30 May 06)
The Executive Council has only the powers enumerated in these bylaws. It advises the Chancellor of the Riverside campus, and it advises the Chair of the Division in his/her exercise of responsibility to coordinate the work of all standing and special committees of the Division, to submit the budget for the work of the Division, and to prepare the annual report of the work of the Division office. It further advises the Division's representatives to the Assembly and to Senate committees.(Am 20 Nov 07)
At the request of the Faculty of a school or college and with the advice of the appropriate Divisional committees, this committee may act upon courses, curricula, and legislation. However, it shall not act if the matter can be included in the agenda of a regular Divisional meeting to be held within thirty calendar days from the time of the request. Each such Executive Council action must be reported to the Division at the next regular meeting.(Am 20 Nov 07)